All About Me...

Hey there guys,
So here is my first blog post…
I want to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about me and why I have decided to start a blog. So sit back, and enjoy the read…
So my name is Amaara and I am 18 years old. I am a first year student at a university in England and I am studying health and social care. I have decided to start this blog because I want a way of documenting my university experience. I am already documenting my experience in a scrapbook, however, I wanted a more public platform so that I could share my experiences with others who may find it useful. I also wanted a public platform so that other people can see that they are not alone in this world. No matter what any of us are going through, there is always someone else who has either been through it and made it out the other side or someone who is currently going through whatever you are going through. 
So why have I decided to start a blog now? Well, I had wanted to start blogging from when I started university but everything was so fast paced that I didn’t have the time to sit and write anything which I would be happy with or proud of. Life has slowed down drastically at the moment – you know with coronavirus – so I have a lot of free time on my hands. 
Next question you may have… what is this blog all about? Well, my time at university for the most part, or university themed posts. There may also be the odd post that is not university related but yeah. This is a university blog. 
So, to those of you who read this… thank you so much! If any of you have ideas for posts or want to share your own experiences; either anonymously or publicly then feel free. I want this blog to be a space where people can share their feelings and experiences with others because we all need to know that we are not alone. And the truth is, no matter what we are going through, someone else is going through it as well. WE ARE NOT ALONE!
So there we go, end of my first post. Hope you guys enjoyed it and I will be posting again real soon. Thanks everyone… xx
